Overlapping text displayed when viewing AutoCAD PDF’s


When you choose to plot using “DWG to PDF.pc3” option. You will find that your final PDF will have two different texts displayed on one another. One could be with a vertical layout and the other with an horizontal layout.

It affects the simplicity and beauty of your drawings in PDF format.

You could also encounter this while previewing your PDF’s just before sending it out to be printed.


From AutoCAD 2016 upwards, a major design was implemented. This design made it possible for text objects using SHX fonts to be copied into comments within PDF’s, so that the text could be searchable.

Thus when you preview the PDF or view the PDF itself, you will have comments displayed as well as the graphical representation of the text.


Option 1:

  • Type “PDFSHX” into the command line. The default value should be “1”.
  • Type “0” to switch OFF this feature.

Option 2:

  • If you are using a MAC system or AutoCAD 2016 on Windows with SP1 installed, you should type “EPDFSHX”.
  • Change the variable from “1” by entering “0”.

Option 3:

  • Create PDF’s from AutoCAD 2015 version or earlier.
  • Replace all SHX fonts with true fonts such as Tahoma, Arial and so on.
  • Download and install Adobe reader for MAC and use it to view PDF’s, rather than using the default Preview app that comes on all MAC’s.

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