Salute the Shepherd not the Flock

“Followership shouldn’t be celebrated but great Leaders should be!”

Soccer has taught me one great lesson in Life, “a coach has a greater influence on the team’s success than all the players.”

Believe it or not, a man, just a man’s thoughts and decisions can affect the fate of a team more than the combined or individual thoughts and actions of 11 men playing on a pitch. I know that individual talents can win you matches. However, when the influence of a coach and his players are compared, then the that of the coach always triumphs.

The steering wheel though small when compared to the vehicle’s body has the most influence in choosing which direction the vehicle goes. Followership is easy and can be enforced but Leadership is the difficult part, it requires so much sacrifice. Every great nation, company or household today have been blessed with a generation of great leaders. The developed nations have them in bounty while the undeveloped nations really have not had them. If they ever did it would be when the foundation had been wrongly laid.

There are so many great men or leaders or visionaries or shepherds to pick and dissect their lives. But all have self sacrifice, planning, mentoring and idealism as underlying traits.

So next time you see a family doing so well, take your time to look at the head.

If you see a generation excelling, then some men along this lineage were excellent shepherds.

If you see a Country with excellent infrastructure and foundation then you know they have been blessed with excellent leaders.

Now what are you to your Country, Organization or Family?

“Please share. That’s how great ideas spread.”