What time are you in? Time will tell.

“Life’s time can never be measured. You never know how much time you have…”

Life for everyone is characterized by infancy, youth and adulthood. To everyone an infant is young and he’s got so much time ahead. Right? Time would tell.

Our Youth are our most productive years. Youth comprises of lives with our spouse, our kids and at a profession. A life at its youth, has got time to attain many dreams. Surely, he’s still got time. Right? Time will tell.

Adulthood represents the climax of youth. To some people, life begins at adulthood. To some, it should end there. How much time has passed? a lot. How much is left? Surely, not much. Right? Time will tell.

I have read so many articles on how fleeting life can be. People die all around us and their time is cut short or their time ends. It’s until I lost a loved one, that I realized that “time for everyone is different”. A young child aged two that dies at age three was actually at the adulthood of his/her life.

A young man in his twenties and lives to Ninety-five was at his childhood.

So when life asks, what time of life are you in?

Your response should be “Time will tell”.

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